Kaluga, Kaluga, Russian Federation
Due to the modernization of education system, one of the most important task of educational organizations is to assist in the process of human selfactualization and self-development. According to the Federal state brand-new educational standard , to the «Law on Education in Russia», and to the national educational initiative «Our new school», the emphasis in educational practice is gradually shifts towards support for the formation of the personality of the individual, of his capacity for self-realization. As one of the conditions that can provide self-development of students in modern-term educational practice supports extracurricular activities, which today has a special role in the development and education of the younger generation. According to information on launch of FSES of primary education, extracurricular activities should be understood as educational activities carried out in the forms of non-class-lesson, and aimed at achieving the expected results of development of the basic educational program of primary education. The article presents the author´s vision of constructing models, that is to support self-development of students in extracurricular activities in the development of the FSES of primary general education in rural schools. The model is based on the principles of flexibility, variability, individualization, creative interaction of all participants of the educational process, and is to pay attention on individual characteristics of students and accept the regional features of educational environment of rural schools. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the structural components of the model, the conditions of its realization in educational practice. The structural model consists of three units: methodical, informational and psycho-pedagogical, their implementation relies are based on the adequate mechanisms for psychological and pedagogical support of students (active basis of claims for recognition of motifs in the hierarchical subordination ,domination of moral norms , the motive of self-acceptance and the desire for self-development, prevention and correction of negative psychological formations. An important aspect of the model is to provide the author´s technology-monitoring measurements of the results of its operations on each structural unit (methodical, psychological and pedagogical, informational). The proposed model of self-support of students in extracurricular activities in the development of the FSES of primary general education in rural schools, can be widely used in the regional educational practice in the context of the organization of extracurricular activities of younger students. Currently testing model is performed on the basis of rural schools of Yukhnovskiy area of the Kaluga region. The study is conducted with the financial support of the Government of RHF and the Kaluga region, the project №14-16-40007 a (r).
Federal State Educational Standard of Primary Education, self-development, extracurricular activity, monitoring.
Характерной чертой современного этапа обновления образовательного процесса является ориентация на максимальную индивидуализацию сопровождения развития учащихся, призванную обеспечить достижение результатов и эффектов в их личностном, социальном и интеллектуальном развитии. Именно так ставится вопрос в Федеральном государственном образовательном стандарте нового поколения, Законе «Об образовании в Российской Федерации», материалах национальной образовательной инициативы «Наша новая школа». Важной задачей деятельности образовательных организаций становится оказание помощи растущему человеку в процессе самосозидания и саморазвития. Акцент в воспитательной практике постепенно смещается в сторону поддержки индивидуального становления личности, развития у нее способности к самореализации.
Взгляды отечественных психологов на проблему саморазвития личности едины в принципиальном утверждении, согласно которому в процессе саморазвития человек приобретает много новых качеств и способностей, которые ранее не были актуализированы (К.А. Абульханова-Славская, Б.С. Братусь, Д.А. Леонтьев, Н.Н. Михайлова, Н.А. Низовских, А.Б. Орлов, Г.А. Цукерман, И.С. Якиманская и др.) [6, 10].
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