Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Processing of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products with the help of a variety of aids is one of the most urgent methods of solving the problem of increasing beverage storage duration. The paper shows the state of a beverage as a disperse system during the process. In the semi-finished products at the beginning of technological chain the process of diffusion is not determined, thus the system of beverages experiences sedimentary instability. The processing of semi-finished and finished beverages before pre-packaging by various technological supplementary means leads to the formation of sedimentary stability, in which a sedimentation - diffusion equilibrium takes place. The hypothetical model of the state of beverage disperse system under the influence of technological supplementary means is demonstrated. Disperse system of beverages can be exposed in three main positions: sedimentary unstable, stable (equilibrium), excessively stable. The brief overview of characteristic features of supplementary means is presented, the latter being used in beverage technology to ensure the stability of products with the help of research data presented by domestic and foreign authors. One of the variants of classification of processing aids is the usage of hierarchical method. Structural and technological characteristics of the subsidiary materials used for durability of beverage upon storage are presented as a classification basis. Signs and stages of classification are marked. The presented embodiment of classification methodology can serve as a basis for the selection of processing with the help of supplementary methods, based on individual characteristics of the structural properties of complex means and substances involved in turbidity formation, as well as for indication of the parameters of materials rational usage in the production line as one of the fundamental factors for the formation of finished products quality.

Drinks, durability, technological supplementary means, antioxidants, enzymes, sorbents, flocculants, hierarchical classification method.


A beverage, prepared from natural raw materials presents a complex multi-component, poly disperse system, being in certain equilibrium. A large proportion of beverage substances is arranged, due to their special characteristics (eg., taste, transparency) and is in a colloidal state. Being stored under the influence of various factors, an effect of violation of the physico-chemical equilibrium in the colloidal system of the beverage occurs, and turbidity is formed.

According to the terminology of technical regula-tions in accordance with the Customs Union “Safety of food additives, flavorings and processing supplementa-ry technological means”, substances or materials and their derivatives, which are not the components of food, intentionally are used in the processing of food raw material and in the production of food products for specific technological purposes, and they are removed after achieving the task from those materials, Such food products or residual amounts of them do not have the technological effect on the finished food product.

Processing methods, including the use of subsidiary materials designed to remove excess potential turbidity forming components, can intensify the clarification process and increase the terms of transparency in canned beverages. Processing of raw materials, semi-finished and finished products by a variety of aids is one of the important ways to solve the problem of in-creasing the resistance of beverages.

Supplementary means used in beverage technology to preserve the equilibrium of the colloidal system of drinks are quite diverse and differ in many ways.

The purpose of this research is to develop a classi-fication of technological supplementary means (TSM), taking into account their structural features and tech-nological orientation, as a methodological basis for the selection of (TSM), improvement of their processes and obtaining high-quality drinks.


Objects of research are the scientific data of domestic and foreign sources of information. As for research methods, theoretical methods were used: a hypothetical method; methods of analysis and selection of information sources; generalization and systematization of information data; a hierarchical classification method [1].


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