Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The use of modern technologies in meat production often leads to the formation of raw meat with uncharacteristic course of autolysis, one raw meat being characterized by a low pH value (less than 5.2), it is pale, flabby and watery (Pale, Soft, Exudative (PSE) with a loose consistency. Meat juice is allocated and meat has a sour smell. Other meat has a high ultimate pH (more than 6.2), it is dark, tough and dry (Dark, Firm, Dry (DFD) with coarse fiber and sticky. One of the quality indices enabling to identify meat into PSE and DFD groups is color. The pH of meat correlates with the loss of meat juice and color. Pork protein with PSE defect is characterized by a small amount of fractions with a high molecular weight and a large proportion of protein fractions with the molecular weight from 100 to 50 kDa. During meat production the technological solution for the rational use of raw meat with deviations in the autolysis process can be modes of heat treatment and the use of food additives. Stress causes a significant impact on the meat quality of slaughtered animals. The appearance of meat with PSE quality is associated with the animal susceptibility and its response to the stressful situation, and the specificity of biochemical processes in pork is caused by the development of a stress syndrome PSS (Porcine Stress Syndrome), the syndrome of poor adaptation. The meat quality is affected by breed, for example, hybrid pigs are superior to pure bred in technological properties and meat productivity. The meat of pigs of large white x Landrace x Duroc refers to NOR meat, which makes it more valuable. Due to the fact that the susceptibility of pigs to stress is inherited as a single recessive gene, the pigs are divided by genotype into two groups: stress sensitive and stress resistant. It has been shown that the activity of antiperoxide enzymes is higher in stress resistant broiler chickens than in stress sensitive ones.

Meat quality, reasons of forming the nontraditional meat quality, autolysis, antioxidant system, lipid peroxidation


Modern technologies of feeding cattle and pigs en-able to provide the realization of a genetic potential of meat productivity [1]. But during the intensification of livestock there appear some problems connected with the formation of raw meat with uncharacteristic course of autolysis, in particular, with a low pH value (less than 5.2). Such meat is pale, flabby and watery (Pale, Soft, Exudative (PSE) with a loose consistency, meat juice allocation and sour smell. The meat with a high ultimate pH (more than 6.2) is dark, tough and dry (Dark, Firm, Dry (DFD) with coarse fiber and sticky. [2] notices that the realization of pale, soft and exudative pork leads to the annual loss of $100 million for pig-breeding.

Characteristics, formation reasons and the ra-tional use of raw meat with PSE and DFD properties

The important identified index of meat with uncha-racteristic course of autolysis is color which signifi-cantly affects the other characteristics and culinary and technological properties. Dark color is typical for DFD meat and the consumers consider it of poor quality by the visual observation.

[3] states that the index of light meat depends on the content of common pigments and the surface condition, and the yellowness and redness of meat depend on the ratio of myoglobin derivatives. Myoglobin in contact with the air oxygen turns into oxymyoglobin (MbO) which gives bright pink meat. Metmyoglobin (MetMb) is formed under the influence of light and air and meat acquires brown-grey color which indicates DFD evidence. It has been established that lightness of meat is a more stable parameter, less subjected to the action of external factors. Hence, it is more objective when determining raw meat into the definite quality group.

[4] recommends to break up meat into quality groups using the lightness index L, the value of which correlates with the change of pH value and the quantity of heme meat proteins. The scale "lightness pH24" has been proposed to identify the quality group of beef. The complex of pH indices, lightness (L) and redness index «А/В» can be used in addition to it.


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