Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The factors of heat loss in the joints of frame-panel wooden elements, used mainly in low-rise construction, are considered. Frame-panel construction is the most promising type of low-rise buildings referring improving the quality and reducing the time of construction of residential buildings. The most important issue is the design and quality of the connections of wall panel elements of a wooden frame on the construction site. The review of the used types of joints is made, the advantages and disadvantages of design and technological solutions are considered. In this paper we evaluate the effectiveness of the criteria indicated by the design and technological solutions of connection units of panel elements of houses. An important component of ensuring the quality of the building, prolonging the performance of structures, as well as boosting energy-saving characteristics of the connection is imperviousness. There is a direct relationship between the degree of air permeability of the outer shell and the thickness of the insulation requirements for buildings. Improved imperviousness of building helps to avoid later unnecessary heating costs, increases the efficiency of the ventilation system and as a result saves the owner costs for construction and operation. The problem of taking into account the heat loss by convection heat transfer using the theory of mass transfer in the gas channel in the presence of a temperature gradient parallel to the wall is considered. Dependences of the heat loss on the value of looseness in the field joints are built. The issue of improving the design and technological solutions of joints of large items on a wooden frame is relevant and requires a comprehensive approach taking into account the characteristics for imperviousness, thermal conductivity, manufacturability and assembly.

wooden wall panels, imperviousness, heat loss, field joints, heat transfer, convective heat transfer.

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