Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Studies of many authors show that injury of seeds has a negative effect, both on seeds and food grains. Damage in food grains reduces its trade, technological and baking performances. The main reasons causing injury to the seed, is mechanical action of the working bodies of machines and implements for post-harvest treatment of seeds. In this injury will be greater, the greater the speed of the seeds moving. Analysis of the distribution of injury between the individual elements of the line revealed that about 50 % of all injury of grain (28.3 %) falls on transporting machines. From above it follows that a reduction of injury to the seeds is an important problem, which is caused by the need to solve large yield losses, worsening of seeds storage and decrease in quality of the seed, and it is necessary firstly to investigate the possibility of improving the quality of conveying machines, and in particular , bucket elevators. This is because grain cleaning machines provide improved cleaning quality of grain, and conveying ones- conversely increase its. Taking into account that in cleaning lines usually there are several elevators, the reduction of seed damage by them will substantially improve the quality of the processed material. For this purpose, it is necessary to improve bucket elevators, providing softer mode. In this regard, the work was done to improve the design of the upper head of the elevator to reduce feedback eruption. On this construction patent for utility model number ZA 140052 was received. On the basis of this patent bucket elevator was refitted, in which head was an additional horizontal belt conveyor. Experimental studies have been conducted to identify the degree of feedback. It was found that an additional belt conveyor helps to reduce feedback rash when its speed is higher than the speed of bucket belt.

bucket elevator, upper head, seed damage, additional belt conveyor.

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