The article is devoted to the theory and practice of state regulation in the sphere of tourism. The article considers the concept of state regulation, main tasks, functions, and objectives; the main elements of the system of state regulation. Confirmed are the need to change the forms and methods of state regulation in a market economy while maintaining the significant role of the state. The classification of measures of state regulation is proposed. The authors describe characteristic instruments of state regulation applied in accordance with Russian law, in relation to the tourism industry, the peculiarities of application of measures of state regulation of tourism at the regional level and the possibility of transferring some of them to the federal level, and the fixing of these legislative measures. Such measures may include the creation of material safety of organizations of the tourism industry, the classification by security category. It is proposed to form a national system for the protection of tourists aimed at increasing the responsibility of all executive authorities involved in this process. Special attention is paid to interaction of executive authorities and business on the basis of state-private partnership and regulation, in order to reduce administrative burden on tourism and hotel activities. Proposals are made on the transfer of authority to carry out the classification of the objects of the tourism industry bodies self-regulation of business in order to reduce public costs for the implementation of this activity and accountability of hotel organizations for the quality of services provided. Identified are measures to improve the quality of regulation: assessment of alternative ways of achieving this goal (to overcome the flaw of the market) at the stage of development of the draft of regulatory solutions; procedural restrictions on the adoption of measures required for implementation by business entities; providing public procedures of regulatory decision-making.
state regulation, forms, methods of regulation, tourism industry.
Введение. Построению эффективной системы государственного регулирования в России способствовала административная реформа, начало которой было положено указом Президента. Административная реформа направлена на совершенствование механизма функционирования исполнительной власти, ее структурную оптимизацию, снижение издержек на содержание государственного аппарата. Объектом изменений являются цели и задачи системы, компетенции органов исполнительной власти. Исследователи указанного вопроса А. В. Кирин, Н. И. Побежи-мова [5, с. 67—71] отмечают, что в отечественной юридической литературе понятие «компетенция органов исполнительной власти» включает в себя задачи, права, обязанности, полномочия и ответственность органов исполнительной власти, при этом полномочия реализуются через осуществление конкретных функций и оказание
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