Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The Article presents an analysis of the role of the media sector in the structure created by the placement of tourist routes in the subjects of the Russian Federation. The sample size was 6000 routes in all federal districts of Russia. The problem of poor service provided by the hotel services in Russia is one of the major problems hindering the development of domestic tourism. Value for money and sometimes do not match. Part of the situation could have saved the increasing competition with the hotels listed in the international circuit, which created its own rules of corporate culture, high standards of service, clearly defined for each category of hotel (in terms of stardom). However, this does not justify a revision of its marketing strategy of independent hoteliers. It is also important to pay attention to accommodation, similar to hotels and other accommodation facilities. They are also well represented in the tourist market. According to the author, the low level of service in accommodation facilities is determined not so much by the reluctance of management to improve it, as the structure of demand from tourists and tour operators, to create a product. Most of the routes, which include the need to accommodate tourists, implemented on average, in the area the day — two. At the same time, tourists do not stay in accommodation facilities for a long time and continue your route on. This circumstance serves as an incentive to change the quality of services. Moreover, the article stipulates that personal and other accommodations are well represented in the routes of major federal districts like Central, Ural, Siberia, Far East. Accommodation in hotels more common routes in the North- West, Volga, the Crimea and North Caucasian Federal District. Accommodation facilities, in this case, are the operators of the individual passive format services. However, this strategy cannot be used by all players of the hospitality industry in all federal districts. The specificity of the regions and their remoteness from each other, the price level in the field must be limiting conditions in which hoteliers could develop. It is therefore proposed that the need to actively offer ideas own hiking tour operators or actively interact with them, attracting all new, including the unorganized tourist flows.

Industry of accommodation, hotels, tourist routes, the federal district.

Введение. Развитие внутреннего и въездного туризма в РФ становится приоритетной задачей. В каждом регионе РФ создаются новые маршруты, которые связаны практически со всеми видами туризма.


Так, в рамках проекта 114—14—11—18—03 [6] от Федерального агентства по туризму проводилась масштабная работа по систематизации маршрутных сетей, что позволило выделить в регионах предложения, представленные на рис. 1.


Из рисунка видно, что наиболее разработанными предложениями на отечественном рынке туристских маршрутов являются те, которые связаны с познавательным туризмом (41,22%), далее следуют маршруты образовательного (14,67%) и экологического (13,07%) характера.


Однако указанные маршруты, очевидно, оказывают малое воздействие на развитие индустрии средств размещения. Так, вполне очевидно, что образовательный туризм предполагает


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