Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the theoretical analysis, the results of which are described in the previous publications of the author on the topic of international comparative educational research [8, 16—26], substantiated is structure of the model of the education system in the tourism sector, which is the unity of four interrelated subsystems: content, functionality, industry regulation and consumer. The model of education in the field of tourism is based on an integrative approach [16] to the analysis of factors of internal and external environment of education, it allows to search the determining changes in factors of the education systems [17, 18], identify patterns, to explain the possibility of borrowing pedagogical models, processes, phenomena, develop mechanisms of adaptation of pedagogical models, processes, phenomena, as well as to design useful pedagogical models of processes and phenomena. The author stresses the necessity of the use of scientific instruments in the research and development of training models that take into account the structural characteristics and process of education. As the properties of the model are determined by integrating the conceptual mainstream; for the purposes of the study of national models of training in the field of tourism as a mainstream concept adopted is the principle of integration of the national professional education in the global professional and educational space. In order to address the structural and process characteristics of the education systems the author proposes the relationships between the subsystems of the education system (functional, consumer, industry regulation and content) as the features of the system and the principles of the educational system as a social institution that ensures the reproduction and development of human potential as attributes of the system. In the article the subject of pedagogical analysis of educational systems is determined by the purpose and nature of the education system in the field of tourism as a sustainable set of integrated or integrating interacting elements which are subsystems. Developed is a heuristic model of education in the field of tourism which not only can help to carry out a comprehensive analysis of teaching, but also to compare national systems of vocational training, and by identifying their features, focus the mind on its own problems and bottlenecks and find points of growth of the potential and to develop mechanisms of adaptation of useful foreign experience.

model of education, education in the field of tourism, pedagogical analysis, comparative pedagogical research.

Введение. Международные сравнительные педагогические исследования позволяют выявить особенности национальной педагогической системы, сфокусировать взгляд на собственных проблемах и узких местах, обнаружить точки возможного роста, развития и т.д. В предыдущих статьях по тематике международных сравнительных педагогических исследований было выявлено актуальное состояние, методологические подходы, цели и задачи сравнительных педагогических исследований; а также обоснована необходимость системного исследования образования в сфере туризма, позволяющего учесть сущностные системные факторы, внутрисистемные и межсистемные связи, как, например, связь системы образования в сфере туризма и системы национального образования, рынка труда, государства как надсистемы нормативно-правовых ограничителей. Было также сформулировано положение о необходимости разработки концептуальных эвристических моделей (рис. 1), обладающих «системной независимостью», позволяющей переносить модель с одной системы на другую с сохранением ее композиции при решении задач сравнения различных систем. В нашем случае речь идет о модели системы образо-


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