Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Object of the Study. The labor migration in the Russian Federation, in Moscow in particular. Subject of the Study. Changing the legal framework and procedures regulating foreign labor (IRS) in the past 25 years. Purpose of the Study. Identifying trends and root causes changes of regulations to attract foreign labour, giving examples of good practice work and proposing on the basis of them adjustments to the existing order to attract foreign labor. Result of the Study. The basic causes and interests in changing the legal and regulatory framework regulating migration in the Russian Federation have been revealed. Implications for the labor market of Russia and Moscow have been formulated, in particular, reordering attracting the foreign labor at both the federal and regional level in the specified time period, including during the periods of the greatest tension in the labor market («crisis» periods). A good practice of regional experience in the regulation of migration processes in the period granted to the regions rights and explored future trends and causes of reducing the rights of regions in the regulation of migration have been analized. The analysis of the shortcomings of the recent innovations migration legislation have been given and measures identified for the application of good practices used in past periods for the purpose of priority employment of domestic labor resources and, at a minimum, equal fiscal payments payroll for employers of domestic and foreign labor.

labor market, labor migration, employment, foreign labor, legal regulation of labor migration, the state employment policy.

1. Введение

Многочисленные исследования, проводимые в Российской Федерации различными социологическими службами и организациями в последние годы, показывают озабоченность населения РФ положением в сфере миграции. Эта проблема устойчиво занимает первое-второе места в умах россиян, в зависимости от конкретного исторического периода и региона проведения социологических исследований. Острота этой проблемы практически не уменьшилась, невзирая на ряд принятых законодательных и нормативных решений. Она включает этнокультурную, поведенческую, трудовую и ряд других составляющих. Проблему регулирования миграции рассматривают А.В. Топилин [2012, 1, с. 5–13], О.И. Косенко [2010, 2, С. 3–12], В.А. Волох [2011, 3, с. 84–91], О.Д. Воробьев [2011, 4] и др.


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