Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Localization of caries on posterior teeth is due to anatomical features. Fissures having different shapes and deepening are the most vulnerable point. The main causes of violations of fit composite is depressurized hybrid layer, breach conditioning technology, complex terrain the prepared cavity, manual distribution of adhesive in violation of instructions with adhesive systems, the use of eugenol-containing materials, guaiacol, aluminum chloride, ferric sulfate, aluminum sulfate, uncontrolled by power-curing unit, and condensing the composite uneven due to insufficient ductility. Not seen in the course of treatment errors, clearly visible in a few months and give rise to recurrent caries. It was investigated the quality of marginal adaptation of composites such as Bulk Fill in the restoration of posterior teeth. In vitro staining was used border composite-dental hard tissues, scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. Sealing Flowable composites SDR does not provide the necessary quality of marginal adaptation of composite (presence boundary gap seals depressurization, the presence of air pores, cohesive fracture of the composite, etc.). These facts are missing in the application of the composite with varying viscosity Sonic Fill, which provides the necessary quality and durability of the restora-tion.

caries, adhesive, Bulk Fill, marginal adaptation, scanning electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy.

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