GRNTI 10.07 Теория государства и права
GRNTI 00.11 Современное состояние общественных наук
BBK 60 Общественные науки в целом
The article is devoted to the implementation of full-scale reception of law in the Imperial project, which refers to the kind of modernization, where the state with full sovereignty, itself acts as a donor of political and legal ideas, institutions, norms.
right, reception, the USSR, the Empire, the donor, ideology, Islam, Orthodoxy, the Constitution
Совокупность внешних и внутренних вызовов может привести к созданию «имперского проекта» как разновидности модернизации. Здесь империя (т.е. государство, обладающее действительным суверенитетом, оригинальной государственной идеологией, с развитой экономикой и эффективными вооруженными силами) сама распространяет свои правовые ценности на третьи страны.Это происходит либо в связи с поражением реципиента в войне, в том числе информационной, в рамках сценария установления различных форм колониальной зависимости, в связи с экспансией политико-правовых идей, с поддержкой национально-освободительных движений, защитой от внешних угроз и т.д.
1. The Constitution of Brazil. Konstitutsii zarubezhnykh stran [Constitutions of foreign states] / compiler V.N. Dubrovin. Moscow, Yurlitinform Publ., 2009, p. 281. (in Russian)
2. The Constitution of the Republic of France, October 4, 1958. Konstitutsii zarubezhnykh stran [Constitutions of foreign states] / compiler V.N. Dubrovin. Moscow, Yurlitinform Publ., 2009, p. 62. (in Russian)
3. The Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe. Konstitutsiya Evropeyskogo Soyuza: Dogovor, ustanavlivayushchiy Konstitutsiyu dlya Evropy [The Constitution of the European Union: the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe)] (with commentary). Moscow, INFRA-M Publ., 2005, p. 94. (in Russian)
4. The Constitutional Act on the establishment of Novorossia.. URL: (in Russian)
5. The Constitution of the USSR of 1936. URL: (in Russian)
6. Basic Law (Constitution) of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. URL: (in Russian)
7. The Constitution of the USSR of 1924. URL: (in Russian)
8. The Constitution of the USSR of 1977. URL: (in Russian)
9. The Constitution of the People´s Republic of Bulgaria (May 16, 1971). URL: (in Russian)
10. The Constitution of the Hungarian People´s Republic (August 18, 1949). URL: (in Russian)
11. The Constitution of the German Democratic Republic (April 6, 1968). URL: (in Russian)
12. Genkin D.M., Boguslavskiy M.M., Laptev V.V. et al. Grazhdanskoe pravo stran narodnoy demokratii [Civil Law of the People´s Democracy]. Moscow, Vneshtorgizdat Publ., 1958, p. 17.
13. The Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Afghanistan (1977). URL: (in Russian)
14. The Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan. URL: (in Russian)
15. The Constitution of the People´s Republic of China. Konstitutsii zarubezhnykh stran [Constitutions of foreign states] / compiler V.N. Dubrovin. Moscow, Yurlitinform Publ., 2009, p. 396. (in Russian)
16. The Socialist Constitution of the Democratic People´s Republic (December 27, 1972). URL: (in Russian)
17. The National Charter of Algeria. URL: (in Russian)
18. The Libyan Constitutional Declaration (December 11, 1969). URL: (in Russian)
19. Basic Law (Regulations) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. URL: (in Russian)
20. The Constitution of the State of Qatar. URL: (in Russian)
21. The Constitution of Egypt (2012). URL: (in Russian)
22. The Constitution of the German Empire. URL: (in Russian)
23. Law on Citizenship of the Reich (September 15, 1935). URL: (in Russian)
24. The law of the Reich for the protection of German blood and honor (September 15, 1935). URL: (in Russian)
25. Statement by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (July 22, 2014). URL: (in Russian)