The dominant trend of Russian home policy currently is strengthening the political control of presidential power over lower levels of public authority hierarchy. At the same time in relation to the regions the strategy of partial decentralization of powers and increasing of responsibilities of state bodies of the Federation for the quality of economic policy and the implementation of social obligations to the population by the Federal Centre is implemented. This strategy involves the empowerment of regional authorities on the formation of institutional design and definition of the scope of the powers of local self-government within the selective choice established by the federal legislator. Using new opportunities regional authorities introduce management models in the municipalities, in which the heads of executive bodies are elected by the representative bodies on the contest. Application of these models reinforces the dependence of municipalities on authorities of the bodies of the Federation, creating opportunities for professionalization of management of executive structures of municipalities and reducing the direct accountability to the people of the past.
local government, mayor, city manager, Governor
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