Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article highlights the problem of illegal logging of forest plantations in Russia, the scientific and procedural component of the systematic work of the various organizations and agencies to develop mechanisms for combating crime in the forest industry, representing the author´s vision of a separate investigation of the type of environmental crime under the economic security of the state. The author notes that a variety of disorders related to forest management are not new types of offenses in the country. Even in the XIX century, the Russian Empire basic directions of state activity to prevent violations of forest law were enshrined in the Charter of the Forest, which listed offenses and crimes and defined punishment for their commission. The annual growth in the number of offenses detected by law enforcement agencies in terms of violations of forest law, entails the need to create the most effective ways to detect, capture and examinate evidence. In this examination of the scene, primary investigative actions must be paid special attention. It is, in our opinion, should be done at a high level, carefully and accurately, which would continue to form the evidence base to carry out a sufficient number of different examinations, including forensic botanical using dendrochronology methods. The conclusion of the forensic botanical examination may serve as confirmation of the legality of timber, as well as a means of quality control of products of wood.

illegal felling of forest plantations, timber processing complex, scene, forensic, DNA examination.

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