In the paper pathomorpfologic particular features of amyloidosis in the different regions of the Republic NorthOsetia Alania in the context of their comparative climatogeographic and statistic characteristic are shown. Heavy involvement and high of invalidization, absence of effective measures of prevention and treatment, variety of organ and system manifestations and poor knowledge in guestions of etiology and pathogenesis cause the actuality of problem and hence vitally important necessity of further investigation of amyloidosis which is common disease among adults of average (reproductive) and old age. This will allow to contribute to the study of the process in the state scale because the information of amyloidosis spreadness along regions and in Russian Federation in the whole are extremely poor. Success on this way will contribute to the increase of life span and guality, to the increase of health level of the population.
spreadness of amyloidosis, pathomorphology, particular features, statistics.
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