Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Local self-government in Russia remains a problematic link in the national system of public process. Lack of efficiency of local authorities reduces the development potential of the entire Russian society. Many of the problems faced by Russian citizens in their daily lives, are the responsibility of local government, but their solutions are not always achieved in the form and completeness, which can satisfy the population of municipalities. This is due to the influence of various social factors on local government. Study of the effect of such factors is not only scientific, but also of practical interest. In the article on the materials of sociological research on actual problems of functioning and development of local self-government in the Russian Federation carried out by the sociological group of the Institute of Public Administration and Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in 2014, some of the significant issues of the influence of social factors on the effective functioning of local governments in the Russian Federation are discussed.

local government, effectiveness of local government, municipal administration, municipal employees

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