In the article gives the characteristic and the importance of the Spiritual Consistory as the highest church judicial body for the parish clergy in the Russian Empire based on the content of legislative acts regulating the activities of Orthodox Russian church periodicals, archival documents, as well as interpretations and perceptions of modern scientists. Methodological basis of the research is essential principles of history science, such as consistency, Historicism, interdisciplinary and scientific objectivity that allow to review the studied facts and events in the dynamics and interactions. Consideration of the key issues is done within the context of dichotomy of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian State as a whole and on the basis of the development of the overall social policy in particular. The article deals with the powers and competence of the ecclesiastical courts of the Russian Empire in the 19th and early 20th century. This period, XIX-beginning of XX century, is characterized by the desire of the State to control the Church and its activities, including those directed towards identifying ethos of professional suitability and clergy. The author proves that trial was closed against the clergy and had corporate character.
secular power, spiritual power, spiritual consistory, clergy, ecclesiastical court
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