The article is dedicated to the features of the outdoor activities and the effectiveness of their influence on the physical condition of the first Mature age women. The pedagogical experiment was held in the system of sport and health clubs “Planet of Fitness” for three months with 28–38 years-old women. The experiment developed methodical recommendations for outdoor practice at sporting venues, located in the yards and parks with the use of additional equipment. For the main part of the lesson there was designed an exercise program with mainly power orientation to strengthen the muscles of the back, chest, belt of the upper limb and lower limb, muscles of upper and lower limbs with regard to recommendations on the technique of exercise, number of repetitions and approaches that rest time. There was used a series of tests to determine the physical fitness level of the subjects before and after the experiment that allowed us to assess the following indicators: the strength of different muscle groups, IPC (maximum oxygen consumption), PWC (physical performance) and BMI (body mass index). The main types of outdoor activities described in the article and their impact on the physical condition of training people have not been studied sufficiently, so this publication is the beginning of a cycle of scientific publications on the results of the research (including comparative) exposure to outdoor physical education on the human body. The article can be useful to scientists involved in research on the influence of physical activity, and also the teachers (of physical education) of secondary and higher education, practitioners in the field of fitness.
outdoor training, training program, indicators of physical condition, exercise
В последние 10–15 лет многие специалисты, фитнес-эксперты и профессионалы в области оздоровления выявляют взаимосвязь между эффективностью упражнений и пребыванием на свежем отдыхе [5; 6]. Так возникло новое направление в фитнесе – outdoor. В переводе с английского это слово имеет несколько значений, близких по смыслу друг к другу: 1) наружный; 2) внешний; 3) надворный; 4) проводимый вне стен учреждения; 5) предназначенный для улицы; 6) находящийся или совершающийся вне дома. Признано, что оutdoor-тренировки наилучшим образом подходят для всех возрастных категорий – как для подготовленных, так и новичков. Наличие дворовых спортивных площаок и спортивных комплексов в парках и скверах позволяет найти нестандартные способы для проведения тренировок на свежем воздухе как можно чаще [3].
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