Actuality. Complicatedly loaded objects with redundant frames and irregular allocated load on its elements are under consideration. For strength condition testing, diagnostics and resource evaluation it is necessary to have reliable information about the processes that define operability of the objects. The acoustic emission method is quite informative for evaluation of strength and load-carrying capability of the objects but in most cases acoustic emission diagnostics of fatigue fracture is based on a statistical approach to the search for important diagnostics parameters, which is not always efficient and creates the need to use informative physical models. Novelty. The article considers the technique for diagnostics and resource evaluation of redundant frames; the technique is based on a micromechanical model of time dependences of AE parameters and on informative diagnostic parameters. Results. The possibility of resource evaluation of complicatedly loaded elements under uncertainty of their stressed state is shown by the example of diagnosing the support system elements on the Palace bridge across the Neva river. Conclusion. The results have proven the possibility of technique application in complex conditions, its versatility and resistance to destabilizing factors influence.
strength, destruction, acoustic emission, irregularity, residual life
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