Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The development Program project of road transport and tourism infrastructure «The roads of Power´s Soul» is presented in the article. The program was developed by the Coordinating Council for the development of tourism in the Central Federal District (CFD) of the Association of interregional social and economic interaction «Central Federal District» and the Russian State University of Tourism and Service. The urgency of the creation of generalizing, integral tourism and tourist services development programs for all regions of the CFD is justified in the article. It was noted that tourism is the rapidly growing sector of the economy CFD. But comprehensive solution of issues related to creation of the new tourism products cannot be provided by the only development of the infrastructure. This hinders the development of effective promotion tools, introduction of innovative technologies, staff training in the tourism and service of district. The creation of a unified tourism space is the one of the main directions of the tourism sector development in the Central Federal District. Such approach can only be implemented within a unified inter-regional program of tourism development in district and creating a tourist cluster with the active participation of each subject of the CFD. The program development project of road transport and tourism infrastructure in 2015 - 2025 is proposed in the article. The goals, objectives, stages, outcomes of the program are defined. The scheme of the complex federal automobile segmented tourist ring route through the territory of all the regions - subjects of the CFD is proposed. The main results of a comprehensive analysis of tourist routs, facilities and activities recommended for inclusion in the program are rep- resented. The criteria for selection of destinations and also companies and organizations of tourism infrastructure for inclusion in the Program are substantiated. It is concluded that practical implementation of developed Program is very important; it might be very effective for the tourism development in the Central Federal District and Russia as a whole.

autotransport tourism infrastructure, «The roads of Power´s Soul», roadside service, the Central Federal District, program project.

Центральный федеральный округ (ЦФО) является базовым макрорегионом страны, на долю которого приходится 26,9% населения страны (из них 80,9% - городские жители), 33,9% суммарного внутреннего валового продукта, 21,6% сельскохозяйственной и 26,5% промышленной продукции страны. Кроме того, в округе сконцентрировано большое количество уникальных природных объектов, памятников историко-культурного наследия, широко представлены народные промыслы и национальные традиции, множество иных туристских достопримечательностей. 


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