Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article present the experimental study results of possible adverse effects of low-level electromagnetic fields (EMF) in the frequency range of the DECT standard on the nervous and reproductive systems in experimental animals. The authors evaluated the functional state of central nervous system and the functional and morphological parameters of reproductive system, as well as health of male rats during exposure to continuous EMF at frequency 1890 MHz depending on power density (500 and 250 µW/cm2) and exposure time. The most of significant changes during EMF power density 500 µW/cm2 exposure were follows: (weight loss, depression orienting-exploratory activity, reduction of spleen and testes weights, as well as reduction of epididymal sperm osmotic resistance. The effects EMF exposure (power density was 250 µW/cm2) – reduction of sperm osmotic resistance and the adrenal weight and decrease the testes mass ratio. The results show the possibility of adverse effects of continuous EMF at frequency 1890 MHz and set exposure parameters on male rat reproductive system functional state, in particular on epididymal sperm osmotic resistance, and indicate at RF EMF bio-logical effects dependence on exposure intensity and time that demonstrate the cumulative effect of factor.

electromagnetic field, radiofrequency, DECT, biological effect, animal behavior, reproductive system.

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