Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper is dedicated to the legal regulation of risk management and safety in the nuclear power industry. Legal regulation of risk management and safety in the nuclear power industry can significantly increase the damage compensation. It is possible to involve nuclear power industry’s enterprises in the formation of measures for the safe use of nuclear energy by an effective legal system creation. The legal system should include national and international principles regulating the nuclear energy use. This will reduce the negative impact on the environment and ensure the nuclear industry’s energy safety. The main subjects involved in the nuclear energy management and regulation are principal, manufacturer, operating organization. The principal is the developer of normative legal acts which indicate the basic institutional requirements and provide for state regulation of safety when using of nuclear energy. This regulation is achieved by such methods as licensing and certification. The manufacturers are various subjects of productive activities in the frame of the nuclear energy objects’ life cycle, and entities for these objects design, construction, and operation. Safety in the area of nuclear energy use includes mandatory and discretionary methods for regulation of relations between different actors. Methods for legal regulation of the safety level in the nuclear industry come from the condition of ecological and economic optimality, selection of appropriate principles of the law in the nuclear energy area. A tool for improvement of the effectiveness related to legal instruments in the area of nuclear energy management and use is a system of norms, rules, and standards, regulating and providing the stages of energy resources’ extraction, production and consumption in the context of atomic power facilities safe operation and subject activities strict regulation.

risk management, safety, legal regulation, nuclear energy, environmental protection, principal, imperative norm of law.

Для вовлечения предприятий атомной энергетики в формирование и реализацию программ безопасного использования атомной энергии необходимо создать эффективную правовую систему, основанную на опыте как национальных, так и международных правовых систем по регулированию рисков причинения ущерба экологической системе и обществу в целом. Общепринятой нормой взаимоотношения между человеком и природой признано применение принципов устойчивого развития и регулирование негативного воздействия хозяйственной и иной деятельности на природу [8, с. 91]. Применительно к атомной энергетике данная норма будет основываться на юридических механизмах, регулирующих процессы безопасного и эффективного управления данной отраслью [10, с. 442] и обеспечивающих надлежащим образом устойчивое социо-эколого-экономическое развитие страны.


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