On the basis of mathematical statistics and the theory of chaos and self-organization the behavior of a vector of a condition of neuromuscular system at groups of the students trained and unexercised in response to the dosed physical activity was studied. Dynamics of increase in indicators of the area of quasiattractors of a posturalny tremor after loading at students without physical preparation is traced. As a result of the conducted research considerable changes in dynamics of behavior of parameters of functional systems of a human body on the basis of histograms and Shannon´s entropy were shown. There is some coherence of calculations within the theory of chaos and self-organization and Shannon´s entropy, but the theory of chaos shows more essential changes of quasiattractors. Practical possibility of application of methods of the theory of chaos self-organization in an assessment of reaction of neuromuscular system of the person to dynamic physical activity is shown.
tremor, exercise, neuromuscular system, chaos, self-organization.
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