Nowadays there is a need for processing polymercontaining and petroliferous waste materi-als allowing not only to eliminate pollution of the surrounding environment caused by the influence of production wastes but to receive products in the form of liquid fuel (boiler oil) and solid fuel, rubber-bitumen mastic, comminuted rubber, etc. The series of modern methods of waste processing RTI can be hardly widely–used because of a lot of shortcomings they have. This process can be more effective if we will use this expected way and this appliance.
thermoextraction, temperature, processing, waste material
1. Lukanin V.N. Promyshlenno-transportnaya ekologiya [Tekst]: ucheb. dlya vuzov / V. N. Lukanin, Yu.V. Trofimenko; pod obshch. red. V.N. Lukanina. – M.: Vysshaya shkola, 2001– 273 s.
2. Patent 2223172 Rossiyskaya Federatsiya, MPK7 S 08 J 11/04. Sposob pererabotki organicheskikh polimernykh otkhodov[Tekst] / Letechin V.M.; patentoobladateli: Letechin V.M., Letechina T.V., Starkov S.V. – №2000121587/04; zayavl. 17.08.2000; opubl. 20.05.2001, Byul. № 14. – 7 s.