Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article was prepared on the results of the report on scientifi c research (R & D) on «Analysis of application and eff ectiveness of the provision of state social assistance on the basis of the social contract to families with children and make recommendations for the use of social protection agencies» made of «All-Russia center of standard of living» commissioned by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Labor) in 2014. The authors evaluated the effi cacy (in Procedure it is understood as the achievement of the goals on time*) on the basis of criteria and indicators set out in the offi cial methodology approved in 2013, was tested techniques of applying the new technology «Social contract» for 2013. The social contract is relatively new for Russia form of social assistance for low-income citizens, is being promoted in the Russian regions to overcome the dependency attitude of people who are used to receive state benefi ts without any obligation on the part of the recipient. The social contract is an agreement between the state and the recipient of the welfare state, providing social support due to the form of the active poor people, when its recipient accepts the obligations on their part. Monitoring of the implementation of the practice of this new kind of social support implies the use of methods of evaluating its eff ectiveness (understood as the success in achieving the goal) by region. Offi cial Methods (hereinafter – Methods) assessment is designed to determine: 1) the prevalence of diff erent variations of the social contract; 2) their eff ectiveness of Russia’s regions; 3) necessary and suffi cient criteria of need. According to the procedure for collecting information from the regions is approved statistical form (hereinafter – Form). Since the methodology and data collection form used for the fi rst time, the authors analyzed these assessment tools: the Form and its processing methods, including, according to interviews with employees of the regional social security authorities. The signifi cant problems in the treatment of a variety of factors, and, therefore, exactly Name of indicators in the Form were identifi ed. As a result of the criticisms they have been developed and off ered eff ective, in our opinion, improved methods and new statistical form. The purpose of this article is to describe the problems of valuation techniques in the eff ectiveness of state social assistance (SSA) on the basis of the social contract (SC) and justify the need and ways to improve it. The object of research is the Method of evaluating the eff ectiveness of the provision of SSA on the basis of the SC, makes the case for improvement, as well as to improve the data collection system. The subject of the study are the data provided by the Ministry of Labor according to the procedure as well as information gathered through structured interviews authors work in 12 regions of Russia. The study revealed that requires refi nement techniques, i.e., criteria and indicators (indicators) for evaluating the eff ectiveness of SSA on the basis of the SC. Also found that the method involves the collection and processing of data at diff erent levels «by hand», which increases the error is due to negligence in the collection of data and due to the lack of understanding the essence of «fi elds» current offi cial form, which is fi lled in the regions to follow data processing. It takes the whole process automation and change forms of information gathering. The article provides recommendations to improve the existing methodology and format of data collection on the basis of which it is advisable to adopt amendments to the legislation relating to this subject.

social contract, low-income citizens, standard of living, poverty line, effi ciency of assessment methodology, statistical data form, criteria of needs for poor people, practical application of calculation.

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