Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance. Crises represent the considerable problem of socio-economic development of society because they have a strong negative impact on the market of employment relationships. Thus, the nature of origin and development of crises are studied poorly. The researches that are available now show that, on extremely measure, part of crises arise in a consequence of development of cyclic processes. Therefore, consideration of the nature of possible recurrence of development, features of emergence of crises will allow to create now more exact models of forecasts of development as economies in general, and the labor market in particular. Object. Socio-economic processes of society. Subject of Study. Studying of the nature and features of recurrence of social and economic development of society with 1800 to the present and taking into account the current forecasts. The Aim. To review the approaches to an assessment of the nature and features of development of economic cycles, which consisted so far, and to reveal features that will allow to create on the received results eff ective mechanisms of overcoming of crises and accounting of their parameters within an assessment of standard of living and parameters of work and employment relationships. Result. The schematic diagram of emergence of cycles within socio-economic processes of society is revealed, the factors allowing increasing signifi cantly forecasting of crisis manifestations in economy are determined, the close interrelation between diff erent types of economic cycles is determined.

economic cycle, crisis, solar activity, standard of living.

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