In the article the basic directions of activity of the public authority transport control, the analysis of the work of the Department for organizational and analytical work and coordination of the activities of the office of Gosatomnadzor in the subjects of the southern Federal district and the proposed additions to the work
Improvement of services, technical support
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2. Polozheniya o Yuzhnom Upravlenii gosavtodornadzora [Elektronnyy resurs]: ot 01.02.2013 goda № AK-138fs «Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o Yuzhnom upravlenii gosudarstvennogo avtodorozhnogo nadzora Federal´noy sluzhby po nadzoru v sfere transporta - Re-zhim dostupa:
3. Prikaz Ministerstva transporta Rossiyskoy Federatsii ot 26.01.2012 № 20 «Ob utverzhdenii Poryadka osnashcheniya transportnykh sredstv, nakhodyashchikhsya v ekspluatatsii, vklyuchaya spetsial´nye transportnye sredstva, kategorii M, ispol´zuemykh dlya kommercheskikh perevozok passazhirov, i kategorii N, ispol´zuemykh dlya perevozki opasnykh gruzov apparaturoy sputnikovoy navigatsii GLONASS ili GLONASS/GPS» - Rezhim dostupa: