Rostov-on-Don, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
The concept of urban agglomeration, the influence of the Rostov agglomeration to the increasing the competitiveness of the region is examined in the article. In the post-crisis period the importance of developing agglomerations in Russia intensified. This is due to the further development and update of the country´s economy, with the challenges generated by external (global) environment in which the regions have to defend their competitiveness. In addition, the importance of Metropolitan areas is particularly important in the border areas because of agglomeration are the key points of geopolitical influence. In this sense, Russia not only can, but must look to the useful world experience of development of agglomerations, to learn from the path that has been passed down to us. Sinter political practice in Russia ahead of the theoretical base, so this area needs to be actively developed.
urban agglomeration, classification, agglomeration, Rostov agglomeration, agglomeration effect, the effect of localization and urbanization, the competitiveness of the region
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