The article discloses trends and prospective directions of developing international tourism in Russia, as well as in the world. The quantity of international tourism arrivals in the world on the period from 2000 to 2013 years is analyzed. On the base statistics information of UNWTO ten countries-leaders of international tourism arrivals highlighted. Accordingly for highlighted ten countries profitability tourist activities for each of them was analyzed of. Resources located on the territory of Russia for providing and developing of cultural tourism was shortly described and summarized. Dynamics of entrance tourism in Russia and in the world analysed. The author further analyzed and highlighted top countries of entrance tourism in Russian Federation. It was theoretically identified the main priorities for the short and long prospects entrance tourism. The direct and indirect contribution of tourism to employment by ten countries-leaders of entrance tourism was estimated, effect of tourism on the economy of the Russian Federation was defined.
tourism, international tourism, entrance tourism, cultural tourism, employment
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