Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the peculiarities of functioning of the household service on the material of the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) which is the largest international hotel chain by number of rooms; in particular they examine the Holiday Inn Express Rolling Meadows, USA, and the hotel “ Vostok” located in Tyumen, Russian Federation. They examine the standard of housekeeping, cleaning technology and the order of service. The author characterizes timing parameters for the service and the number of personnel involved in the service. They say about the service stages of rooms. The completeness of the house cleaner carts characterize on the material of Holiday Inn Express Rolling Meadows. It can have: the cleaner, the laundry bag, trash bag, broom, and dustpan, chemicals, funds for a complete bathroom, linen, towels, bathrobes, kitchenette, dry cloth for cleaning bathrooms, sponge, brush, plunger, bucket, notepads and pens. They examine its movement when cleaning room stock. The article proposes speech clichés and communicative strategies used by the house cleaner while cleaning the rooms (in particular, the phrase on the plates’ clean rooms). The author makes the conclusion that clean technologies in the hotel Vostok and the Holiday Inn, despite the absence of unified standards, have many things in common. Even if there are differences in the process of cleaning (for example, a cart in the hotel Vostok is less than in the Holiday Inn Express Rolling Meadows), they are based on rational conditions (there are special rooms for maids in the hotel to fill the cart). Generally, the author notices the importance of the house cleaner in the functioning of a household service, because the cleanliness of the room, and thus profits of the hotel depends on this profession.

household service, Holiday Inn Express Rolling Meadows, hotel “Vostok”

Индустрия гостеприимства – это современный бизнес, обеспечивающий людей (как правило, туристов) жильем, питанием, а также связанный с проведением досуга. В США она второй по значению работодатель, который предоставляет

рабочие места для 10 млн человек. Во многих штатах это важнейшая отрасль экономики, ежегодно поставляющая товары и услуги на $400

млрд В рамках индустрии гостеприимства раз-

вивается и гостиничный бизнес. В качестве его объектов выступают средства размещения – объекты, предоставляющие туристам (клиентам, гостям) услуги по размещению, проживанию и ночевке. Пожалуй, основным объектом средств

размещения является гостиница [1, 3, 4, 6, 8].


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