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Abstract (English):
In the article there are the questions of the relevance of the development and management of innovative activity, the authors describe category of countries according to the innovation in the economic environment. They analyze historical path of the U.S. on the creation, development and commercialization of scientific and technological research from the 1950s to the present. The mechanisms and incentives for the creation and development of innovation are examined. The experience of creating the world’s first legal framework regulating innovative activity on the territory of the United States is described. The authors take up the mechanisms of interaction on the basis of private-state partnership in respect of experience of the development of innovation. Also there are examined some of the priority areas of innovation, including the innovation considered in detail the path of Japan, reviewing which authors paid attention to the import of advanced technologies and state control of development, reorientation and commercialization of scientific and technological research and advanced technology, as well as mechanisms to promote innovation of Japan and its differences from other countries, priority directions of development of innovative technologies and regulatory documents. The experience of the European Union to establish on its territory a single innovative research areas is also included. The authors illustrate principles and guidelines for European research policy, especially the interaction of participants of scientific and technical research and formation prospects of the successive principles of cooperation in the field of science with other States. The last part of the article is devoted to the establishment and functioning of national innovation systems. They explain the concept of NIS, defined the principles of interaction of participants of the NIS and the worker, there was the scheme of interaction of participants of the NIS. The work is based on the hypothesis of the necessity of taking into account all the elements and their functionality in the analysis of experience of foreign models of innovative activity, as well as understanding the opportunities and threats when you transfer these models to another mental environment. The article presents the conclusions on the necessity to consolidate efforts to create a fundamental base for the development of public-private partnership.

innovation, tourism, R & d, innovation activity of organizations, public-private partnerships, national innovation system (NIS)

Политика государства в области инноваций является прямым инвестиционным механизмом, стимулирующим развитие экономики по определённому сценарию в долгосрочной перспективе. Каждое государство выбирает наиболее приоритетные сферы развития и устанавливает долгосрочные цели инновационной политики на основании имеющихся внутренних ресурсов страны, таких как интеллектуальные, образовательные, природные, экономические и т. д.


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