Patients and methods. The authors have conducted clinical, functional and laboratory examination of 104 adolescents aged 11-18 years with a primary abdominal obesity type. It was additionally studied the reaction of the brachial artery in the process of conducting endothelial test with reactive hyperemia and calculated of percentage flow-mediated dilation (%FMD). Results. In 66% (n=67) cases it was identified endothelial dysfunction vessel (EDV) among adolescents on the basis of positive endothelial samples (FMD<10%). A further analysis was performed among children with dysfunction of endothelium of the brachial artery. The children were divided into 2 groups: children with essential hypertension and EDV and children without essential hypertension and EDV. Adolescents with essential hypertension had a moderate increase in the percentage content of fat mass (M=31,4±4,7%) and metabolic disorders in the blood are recorded with a frequency: hyperglycemia – 16,6%, ВЕСТНИК НОВЫХ МЕДИЦИНСКИХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ – 2015 – № 4 Электронный журнал Библиографическая ссылка: Маскова Г.С., Черная Н.Л., Дадаева О.Б. Патогенетические варианты развития дисфункции эндотелия сосудов у подростков с ожирением // Вестник новых медицинских технологий. Электронное издание. 2015. №4. Публикация 2-4. URL: (дата обращения: 18.11.2015). DOI:12737/14921 hypercholesterolemia – 4%, hyperinsulinemia – 27% and insulin resistance – 17%. Children without essential hypertension were characterized by significantly more pronounced metabolic disorders in the blood. In particular, hyperglycemia was reported among 33% of adolescents (p=0,04), hypercholesterolemia among 33% (p=0,04), hyperinsulinemia- 45% (p=0,041) and insulin resistance among 30% (p=0,042). Metabolic disorders of blood were registered at a higher percentage of body fat in the body (M=39,45±4,4%). Conclusion. The results analysis of the selected groups allows to reveal a predominant factor that causes dysfunction of endothelium among adolescents with obesity (high systemic blood pressure or hyperinsulinemia), as well as to determine the pathogenetic variants of further progress obesity: the development essential hypertension or increase metabolic disorders with the formation of diabetes type 2.
children, adolescents, obesity, arterial hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, insulin resistance
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