The purpose of the study is to estimate of probable predictors for the probable predictors of knee joint osteoarthritis progression in X-ray negative stage based on ultrasound examination. The sixty five patients with X-ray negative gonarthritis were selected into the study. Both X-ray and ultrasound examinations were performed for each of the patients (before the study and since one year). The authors determined degeneration of the medial meniscus and articular surfaces roughness had the most degree of sensitivity (91%), and cartilage thickness of medial joint parts (86%). The degenerative changes of the posterior cruciate ligament had the lowest sensitivity (42%), and degeneration in the lateral meniscus (47%). During the regression analysis only two quality indicator such as cartilage thickness of the medial parts, and articular surfaces brought significant contribution to the risk prediction of the osteoarthritis progression (odds ratio=22.7 and 71.4; p=0.018 and 0.002, respectively). The degeneration in the anterior cruciate ligament was not significant for the model (odds ratio= 26,3; p=0.05).
osteoarthritis, knee joint, ultrasound examination
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