Russian Federation
This article focuses on the establishment and development of the scientific school of international law in the Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation. It is stated that the preconditions for the formation of the scientific school of international law dated back to the first half of the twentieth century. In this case, briefly reviewed the scientific legacy of the prominent members of the scientific school. A brief review of the main scientific publications is analyzed. It is proved that the study of contemporary issues such as sustainable economic growth, environmental wellbeing, combating international crime and corruption require to be engaged in concerted action the implementation of agreed actions and to develop mutually acceptable approaches and solutions. The development of scientific school of international law is based on the concept of maintaining a system of scientific ideas, representing a contribution to the development of several areas of modern international law and ensuring continuity in science.
International law, international treaties, science, pacta sunt servanda, interstate integration associations.
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