The article reviews legal nature of joint stock companies’ corporate bodies in accordance with the French and Russian legislations. Despite the influence of Anglo-American approaches on the formation of the Russian corporate legislation, the author proposes to more actively take into account the positive experience of countries with the continental law as they are closer to the Russian juridical reality. In this context the author pays special attention to the French legislation on joint stock companies. The author notes two most powerful trends in the evolution of the French corporate legislation: on the one hand, these are major changes in the substantive legal framework for governance and relations between the participants and the company, and on the other hand — important changes in legal regulation over governance and relations between the company participants. Comparison of certain issues in the legal nature of joint stock companies’ corporate bodies (boards) in Russia and France allows making the conclusion that the French legislation regulates in more detail such topical issues as peculiarities of the joint stock companies’ governance models, powers of a sole executive body, basis for civil responsibility of persons who are part of corporate bodies of a joint stock company.
Corporate body, joint stock company, organizational structure of a joint stock company, director, general director, administrative board, supervisory board, board of directors, executive directors, representative.
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