Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work analyzes the practice of implementation and functioning of ecological management systems in Russian electric energy companies as required by the ISO 14001 standard. Using case study and statistical analysis we research the impact of ISO 14001 certification on the dynamics of negative ecological effects of OJSC “Mosenergo”, OJSC “OGK-2”, and OJSC “TGK-2”, each of which is a pioneer in implementing ecological management systems and has several independent production units (i.e., power plants) working on different energy generation technologies. The annual company reports for 2004-2014 served as the empirical base for this research. The results of our analysis indicate that the primary reason for decreasing negative ecological effects of a company’s activity is a wish to decrease expenditure on emissions above permitted norms, which contradicts the popular opinion of the scientific society on the inefficiency of Russian management system for negative ecological consequences of company activities. We analyze possible factors that cause low efficiency of the ecological management systems in Russian energy companies, suggest ways of improvement for institutions of certification and standardization in this area.

ecological management, standardization, electric energy,ecological effects.



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