Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Among the intangible attributes of any social-communicative activities the most important place belongs to the image. Recently it is emerging more and more organizations and persons whose ratings, business reputation, commercial success, and social influence possibilities often depend not so much on their activities’ real characteristics, but on their image, functioning in the social-communicative space. These trends have shaped the social order for the scientific and practical developments related to the image management in the system of social relations. The image management is an information management as a reflection of events at an angle with impression improving. The abundance of the information environment in which a modern man lives has increased significantly, therefore the communicative interaction today is becoming more and more refined and concentrated, when each information message is endowed with a special meaning that has a high potential impact on the target audience. In this regard the image control includes the work with the image audience and the image object. Different audiences have their own information processing, and because of this different approaches are needed in each case. To create an image adequate to target group perception are used such tools as visualization of the image, mythologization, symbolization, archetype and context formation. The subject’s image is formed as if on two main directions. On the one hand it is a compliance with the mass communication channel’s requirements. The second direction in the image formation is reputational characteristics that the audience considers important: trust, authority, and professionalism. In this regard we have subdivided the image management process as following stages: its creation objective formulation, selection of criteria for image evaluation, as well as qualities for image formation, expressive means for these qualities translation and the image adjustment.

image, control, symbol, information, communication

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