Real chaotic and stochastic analysis of the two movements (tremor was considered as involuntary movements and tapping - arbitrary) shows them as chaotic movements (involuntary on the results of the test, not by the presence of the target). The authors introduce new criteria for separating these two types of motion in the form of matrices of pairwise comparisons of samples tremorograms and tappingrams. Identifying differences between the concrete (obtained continuously, during the sequential measurement) that are compared in pairs in one subject groups was performed using the Wilcoxon test. The increase in the number of "common" pairs of samples of tappingrams compared to tremorograms demonstrates a partial increase of phase-matching due to the afferentation and engaging mental activity. This indicates the beginning of a shift from the chaotic regime to stochastic. The increase in common pairs of tapping may be possible due to the change in patterns of fluctuations. The authors propose a new calculation of quasi-attractors of these two types of movements that allow the identification of the differences in the physiological state of the subject. The concrete examples of the changes in the parameters of the matrices of paired comparisons and quasi-attractors are demonstrated. The authors present a method of analysis of autocorrelation functions when partitioning the interval (-1; 1) into four parts. Using the analysis of the density autocorrelation functions and tremorograms and tappingrams shows a significant difference between involuntary movements (tremor) and arbitrary movement (tapping).
model, tremor, tapping, quasi-attractor.
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