This article presents the methods of analysis of the dynamics of bioelectrical activity of the flexor muscles of the little finger of his right hand as a reaction to the static force in compression dynamometer, manifested in changes of the quasi-attractors parameters. The main research methods were deterministicstochastic methods and methods of the chaos theory and self-organization to describe complex biological systems. The authors present a comparative analysis of calculating the parameters of the obtained results, in particular, in the framework of the chaos theory and self-organization - the calculations of the phase plane and their areas; in the framework of the deterministic-stochastic approach - the calculation of the Shannon entropy. Calculations are aimed at assessing the level of randomness of the recorded signal. Analysis of the recorded signal and the evaluation of the level of randomness in a signal of bioelectrical activity of muscles showed that an increase in the static load quasi-attractors bioelectric muscle activity increases dramatically. The degree of change was estimated by calculating the parameters of quasi-attractors according to the chaos theory and self-organization. The changes of state of the system in the direction of increasing the degree of variability in the bioelectric activity of the extensor muscles of the little finger are demonstrated. The high efficiency of application of the chaos theory and self-organization in the assessment of the neuromuscular human system is showed. The obtained results allow to determining the level of the ability of performing the specified operations under the influence of static loads.
muscle electrical activity, quasi-attractor, the chaos theory and self-organization.
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