Fedorchenko Sergey

Author's profiles
  1. SCOPUS: 57207964087
  2. ELIBRARY: 504738
  3. ORCID:0000-0001-6563-044X
  4. Web Of Science: Y-6720-2018
Academic degree
doctor of political sciences (speciality - VAC 23.00.02 Политические институты, процессы и технологии)
Science rang
Academic rank
Honorary member of the Rozhkov Historical Research Centre (NSW Australia) ,
Member of the Russian Society of Political Scientists ,
  1. NIYAU MEPHI , department of management of high-tech industry and regional projects , professor , 2022 until now
  2. State Academic University of Humanities , scientific and design department of Scientific and Innovative Management , Chief Scientific Officer ,
  • Journal " Journal of Political Research " — chief editor , responsible person
Scientific interests
GRNTI 11.01 Общие вопросы политических наук
GRNTI 11.07 Методология политических исследований
GRNTI 11.15 Теория политических систем. Внутренняя политика
GRNTI 11.25 Теория международных отношений. Внешняя политика и дипломатия
VAC 23.00.00 Политология
VAC 23.00.01 Теория и философия политики, история и методология политической науки
VAC 23.00.02 Политические институты, процессы и технологии
VAC 23.00.04 Политические проблемы международных отношений, глобального и регионального развития
He specializes in applied political science and the digitalization of politics. Professional interests - political communications, legitimization of political regimes, social networks, political technologies, digitalization of international relations, political philosophy of digitalization, gamification of politics, political culture.
Gratitude "For active work in the field of enlightenment" from the chairman of the Russian society "Knowledge", April 15, 2019; Certificate of honor "For the organization of significant scientific events for the Moscow region" of the Moscow Region State University, 2018; Diploma "For the creation and development of the leading scientific platform in Russia" Moscow Region State University, 2017; Letter of Appreciation from the General Director of the “Central Universal Scientific Library named after ON. Nekrasov "of the city of Moscow, 2017; Commendation from the rector of the Moscow Region State University, 2015; Certificate of honor "For active scientific work at the university" of the Moscow Region State University, 2013; Letter of thanks from the Ministry of Culture of the Moscow Region, May 2010; Certificate of Merit from the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region, June 10, 2010; Diploma of the Committee for Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism and Work with Youth of the Moscow Region, February 16, 2010.
Contribution to science
He proposed a political science model of a "Network Polis", a Digital Avatar, and a Political Interface. He has conceptualized digital rituals in political communication and sociotechnical reality (the digital world). He conducted many years of comparative research on the politicization of social networks in different countries. He has published works on the topics of political legitimacy, Big Data, artificial intelligence in politics, comparative politics, political hologram, analysis of digital democracy and autocracy, issues of party transformation, information wars, politicization of computer games, Smart City, problems of the political elite and political identities, aspects of political science methodology, political management, political consulting, PR, political flash mobs, memory politics, digital propaganda, political symbols, electoral processes and political campaigns. The Hirsch Index - 16 (Russian Science Index). He has more than one and a half hundred scientific works.
Russian Foundation for Basic Research "Digitalization of the modern space of social and political communications: scientific concepts, models and scenarios" (CITIS number: AAAA-A20-120120290034-4), 2020-2021; Grant of the Moscow Region State University "Networked computer games as a mechanism for implementing the memory policy: technologies and models", 2019; Grant of the Moscow Region State University "Problems of migration, interethnic and interreligious relations in the Moscow region: methods of conflict prevention", 2016.

Moi raboty:


Elibrary.ru - https://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=504738

ISTINA MGU - https://istina.msu.ru/home/

Academia.edu - https://independent.academia.edu/SFedorchenko

I was reviewed
Moscow, Russian Federation


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