Vasil'eva Inna

Author's profiles
Academic degree
doctor of psychological sciences
Science rang
  1. Tyumen State University , Department of General and Social Psychology , head of department ,
  2. employee Tyumen Institute for Advanced Training of Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , philosophy, foreign languages, humanitarian training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia , Professor , Education level: Doctoral studies
  • Journal " Vestnik of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia " — editorial board member , employee
  • Journal " Applied psychology and pedagogy " — member of the editorial board , employee
Contribution to science
Spektr nauchno-issledovatel'skih interesov I.V. Vasil'evoy zatragivaet voprosy psihologii ekstremal'nyh situaciy, specifiki deyatel'nosti sotrudnikov silovyh struktur v opasnyh situaciyah, psihologii intuicii i psihologicheskoy ocenki lichnosti. Krome togo, v oblast' professional'nogo interesa vhodit razrabotka professional'nogo psihodiagnosticheskogo instrumentariya. Pobeditel' dvuh konkursov granta Prezidenta RF (Intuicionnye mehanizmy samoregulyacii cheloveka v ekstremal'nyh situaciyah 2009 g., Intuiciya kak neverbalizuemyy opyt: sozdanie tehnologii izvlecheniya ekspertnyh znaniy (na primere sotrudnikov silovyh struktur) 2011 g.). Avtor bolee 100 nauchnyh publikaciy (v tom chisle monografiy i uchebnyh posobiy) raznogo urovnya.
Russian Federation


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