Rybnikov Victor

Academic degree
doctor of medical sciences ,
doctor of psychological sciences
Science rang
Academic rank
Zasluzhennyy deyatel' nauki RF
  1. employee Vserossiyskiy centr ekstrennoy i radiacionnoy mediciny im. A.M. Nikiforova MChS Rossii , zamestitel' direktora ,
  • Journal " Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior " — editorial board member , employee
Scientific and pedagogical activity
Research interests - psychology of human behavior in extreme situations, professional psychological selection, psychology of destructive behavior, suicidology, medical and psychological rehabilitation, psychological forecasting of stress resistance, information and psychological safety.
Contribution to science
Scientific work carried out by V. Yu. Rybnikov formed the basis of a new promising scientific direction - extreme psychology, psychophysiology of stress, which arose at the intersection of labor psychology, ergonomics, psychophysiology. Within the framework of this direction, psychological patterns and mechanisms were identified that determine the behavior and efficiency of human activity in extreme conditions, the concept, principles, methods and criteria for the professional psychological selection of specialists in extreme activities (officers of nuclear submarines, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, employees of special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ) and medical and psychological support (psychological prediction of stress resistance and destructive behavior, operational control of the mental state; suicide prevention, medical and psychological rehabilitation, information and psychological safety). Founder of a scientific school in the field of extreme psychology, safety psychology, medical and psychological rehabilitation. The developer and co-author of the concept of psychological service and medical and psychological support for rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, took an active part in the formation of a system for providing emergency psychological assistance to rescuers and victims of emergency situations, the development of a system of psychological rehabilitation for victims of accidents and disasters. Within the framework of the Unified R&D plan of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, he was the scientific supervisor, deputy scientific supervisor, responsible executor of research and development work, during which, within the framework of state contracts, new medical technologies for providing emergency assistance to victims in emergency situations were developed, among them - "a mobile multifunctional medical center for providing emergency assistance to victims with a destroyed infrastructure ”,“ mobile telemedicine point of the EMERCOM of Russia ”, adopted to equip the EMERCOM of Russia. Initiator and organizer of a number of international and all-Russian scientific conferences, symposia and congresses.
Participation in
Chlen Mezhdunarodnoy associacii ergonomistov i Mezhdunarodnoy associacii suicidologov. Imeet Mezhdunarodnyy sertifikat suicidologa. Glavnyy redaktor zhurnala «Vestnik psihoterapii», zamestitel' glavnogo redaktora zhurnala «Mediko-biologicheskie i social'no-psihologicheskie problemy bezopasnosti v chrezvychaynyh situaciyah».

Avtor bolee 350 publikaciy, v tom chisle 30 monografiy, 5 uchebnikov dlya vuzov, bolee 50 uchebnyh i metodicheskih posobiy.

Imeet 3 avtorskih svidetel'stva na izobretenie.

St. Petersburg, Russian Federation


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