Gundur Rajeev

Author's profiles
R.V. Gundur is a lecturer at Flinders University. He previously taught for the University of Liverpool in Singapore where he lectured on cybercrime and transnational organized crime. He is the prize chair for the International Association for the Study of Organized Crime (IASOC).
Academic rank
PhD Criminology (Cardiff University)
  1. employee Flinders University of South Australia , Centr politiki i issledovaniy v oblasti prestupnosti ,
  • Journal " Russian Journal of Deviant Behavior " — editorial board member , employee
Scientific interests
Criminology, Cibercrime, Gangs, Prison Gangs, Illicit drags, Organized Crime, Trafficking, Transnational Organized Crime
Scientific and pedagogical activity
PhD, Criminology: Cardiff University MSc(RM), Criminology: The University of Oxford MA, International Relations: The Australian National University BA, Spanish and Latin American Studies: Tulane University

Badman, H., Dalton, D., & Gundur, R. V. (2021). Popular representations of crime. In Crime and Justice: A Guide to Criminology (Sixth ed., pp. 727-747). Lawbook Co..

Gundur, R. V. (2020). Finding the Sweet Spot: Optimizing Criminal Careers within the Context of Illicit EnterpriseDeviant Behavior41(3), 378-397.

Giommoni, L., Gundur, R. V., & Cheekes, E. (2020). International Drug Trafficking: Past, Present, and Prospective Trends. In H. Pontell (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Oxford Research Encyclopedias). Oxford University Press.

Gundur, R. V. (2020). Negotiating violence and protection in prison and on the outside: the organizational evolution of the transnational prison gang Barrio AztecaInternational Criminal Justice Review30(1), 30-60.

Gundur, R. V. (2020). Prison Gangs. In H. N. Pontell (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedias : Criminology and Criminal Justice Oxford University Press.

Gundur, R. V. (2019). Settings matter: Examining protection’s influence on the illicit drug trade in convergence settings in the Paso del Norte metropolitan areaCrime, Law and Social Change72(3), 339-360.

Purvis, W. E., & Gundur, R. V. (2019). The drug trade at a glance. In V. Mitsilegas, S. Hufnagel, & A. Moiseienko (Eds.), Research Handbook on Transnational Crime (pp. 272-299). (Research Handbooks on Globalisation and the Law series ). Edward Elgar.

Gundur, R. V. (2019). Using the Internet to Recruit Respondents for Offline Interviews in Criminological StudiesURBAN AFFAIRS REVIEW55(6), 1731-1756.

Giommoni, L., & Gundur, R. (2018). An analysis of the United Kingdom’s cannabis market using crowdsourced dataGlobal Crime19(2), 85-106.

Gundur, R. (2018). The changing social organization of prison protection markets: When prisoners choose to organize horizontally rather than verticallyTrends in Organized Crime

Williams, M., Levi, M., Burnap, P., & Gundur, R. (2018). Under the Corporate Radar: Examining Insider Business Cybercrime Victimization through an Application of Routine Activities TheoryDeviant Behavior40(9), 1119-1131.

Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D., & Williams, M. (2017). Cyberfraud and the implications for effective risk-based responses: themes from UK researchCrime, Law and Social Change67(1), 77-96.

Levi, M., Doig, A., Gundur, R., Wall, D., & Williams, M. (2015). The Implications of Economic Cybercrime for Policing: Research report, City of London Corporation. City of London Corporation.

Levi, M., Innes, M., Reuter, P., & Gundur, R. (2013). The Economic, Financial & Social Impacts of Organised Crime in the European Union. European Union.

Adelaide, Australia


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