Hodyakova Nataliya

Author's profiles
Academic degree
doctor of pedagogical sciences from 2013 until now
Science rang
docent, from 2000 until now
Academic rank
Deystvitel'nyy chlen Akademii informatizacii obrazovaniya ,
Pochetnyy sotrudnik MVD Rossii from 2017 until now
  1. employee Academy of Management of the MIA of Russia , kafedra psihologii, pedagogiki i organizacii raboty s kadrami , professor , 2018 until now Education level: Doctoral studies Specialty: 44.07.01 Образование и педагогические науки
Scientific interests
GRNTI 14.07 Общая педагогика
VAC 13.00.01 Общая педагогика, история педагогики и образования
Dolgoprudny, Moscow, Russian Federation
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