Shirokov Igor

Author's profiles
Academic degree
doctor of technical sciences (speciality - VAC 05.12.04 Радиотехника, в том числе системы и устройства телевидения) from 2014 to 2020
Science rang
docent, from 1991 to 2020
Academic rank
Senior Member IEEE from 2012 to 2020
  1. employee Sevastopol State University , Electrinics Engineering , Professor , Digital Devices , ENB , Radio Elrctronics and Information Security , 1985 to 2020 Education level: Specialty Specialty: 11.04.01 Радиотехника
  • Journal " Infocommunications and Radio Technologies " — member of the editorial board , employee
Sevastopol, Sevastopol, Russian Federation
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