Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The peculiarities of the emission and the electrons in structured aqueous solutions of liquid crystals of low concentration. Was studied the weighted drops of an aqueous solution of cetyltrimethylammonium, electron emission from the surface and from the bulk part of which was stimulated by bipolar electrical pulses. Analysis of the results showed that at concentrations of surfactant up to about 1.5·10-4 mol.% observed isotropic emission of electrons from the surface of the aqueous solution. At high concentrations of long-chain molecules, surfactants form aggregates (micelles), ordered along the four directions. This ensures the formation of channels lightweight anisotropic emission of electrons from bulk of the solution. The obtained experimental data allowed to determine the form of molecular complexes, their spatial orientation and the nature of the ordering.

aqueous solutions, streamlined, gas discharge visualization

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