GRNTI 68.01 Общие вопросы сельского хозяйства
Predstavleny rezul'taty issledovaniy po izucheniyu vliyaniya yodi-stogo kaliya v komplekse s prirodnym sorbentom na uboynye kachestva sviney krupnoy beloy porody. Ispol'zovanie kombikormov, sbalan-sirovannyh po soderzhaniyu yoda v komplekse s 3% bentonita v racio-nah molodnyaka sviney na otkorme, pozvolilo uvelichit' uboynuyu mas-su zhivotnyh na 10,19% (R<0,01), uboynyy vyhod na 2,43% (R<0,05), ploschad' «myshechnogo glazka» na 5,60%, soderzhanie myshechnoy tkani v tushe – na 4,74% (R<0,05), a tak zhe uluchshit' belkovo-kachestvennyy pokazatel' myshechnoy tkani sviney na 1,12% (R<0,05) po sravneniyu s kontrol'noy gruppoy.
kormlenie sviney, yod, bentonit, uboynye kachestva sviney.
1. Mikolaychik I.N., Morozova LA, Iltyakov A.V. New in the production of environmentally friendly pork // Chief livestock specialist. 2015. № 2. P. 21-28.
2. Iltyakov A.V., Mikolaychik I.N., Morozova L.A., Stupina E.S. The method of increasing the biological usefulness of the muscular and fatty tissues of pigs // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. 2015. № 6 (136). P. 34-37.
3. Iltyakov A.V., Mikolaychik I.N., Morozova L.A., Stupina E.S. Improve-ment of the chemical composition of muscle and fat tissue // Bulletin of Bi-otechnology. 2015. № 2 (4). P. 4.
4. Kozhevnikov S.V. Efficiency of use of natural minerals of the Kurgan re-gion and potassium iodide in the composition of mixed fodders for chick-en-broilers // Feeding of farm animals and fodder production. 2012. № 6. P. 42-44.
5. Bulatov A.P., Mikolaychik I.N. Influence of natural sorbents on quality of production and natural resistance of young pigs // Doklady of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences. 2006. № 1. P. 43-46.
6. Mikolaychik I.N., Kolchin A.V. Influence of full-fat soybean extruded in combination with bentonite, on the meat productivity of young pigs in fat-tening // Siberian Herald of Agricultural Science. 2007. № 3. P. 61-64.
7. Bulatov A.P., Mikolaychik I.N. Influence of bentonite on the natural re-sistance of young pigs // Feeding of agricultural animals and fodder pro-duction. 2008. № 4. P. 29-31.
8. Mikolaychik I.N., Morozova L.A. A comprehensive assessment of the use of extruded soybean with bentonite in rations of young pigs // Agrarian science – to agricultural production in Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Bel-arus and Bulgaria: a collection of scientific reports of the XXth Interna-tional Scientific and Practical Conference. 2017. Novosibirsk: SB RAS, NSAU, 2017. P. 244-247.
9. Mikolaychik I.N., Morozova L.A. Extruded soybean in combination with bentonite in rations of young pigs // Modern problems of livestock breed-ing in conditions of innovative development of the industry: materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. 2017. P. 125-129.
10. Donnik I.M., Loretts O.G., Bykova O.A., Shkuratova I.A., Isaeva A.G., Romanova A.A. Use of natural minerals for the effective increase in the bi-ological value of milk in the animal industry // International Journal of Ad-vanced Biotechnology and Research. 2017. T. 8. No. 4. P. 923-933.
11. Donnik I.M., Neverova O.P., Gorelik O.V. Improving the quality of milk products with the use of natural feed additives // Trud-Kuban State Agrari-an University. 2015. № 56. P. 176-179.
12. Muratov A.A., Gorelik O.V., Wilver D.S. Efficiency of fattening of swine different genotypes // Feeding of farm animals and fodder production. 2010. № 10. P. 33-36.
13. Morozova L.A., Mikolaychik I.N. A method to increase the efficiency of using fodder in pigs // Perspective pig production: theory and practice. 2012. № 2. P. 4.
14. Mikolaychik I.N., Bulatov A.P. Feeding young pigs: theory and practice. Kurtamysh (Kurgan region), 2008. 235 p.
15. Mikolaychik I.N. Perfection of the system of feeding young pigs on the ba-sis of local food sources: dis ... dr. s.-h. sciences. Kurgan, 2006.
16. Kozhevnikov S.V. Influence of potassium iodide and bentonite on produc-tivity and some morphological indicators of the blood of broiler chickens // Agricultural Bulletin of the Urals. 2010. № 7 (73). P. 53-54.