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Abstract (English):
The trends in variability of the sea level on the coastal stations on the Black and Azov seas during the last 100 years were determined; their comparison from station to station was done with the trends in the levels for the last 10 years. The estimates were made by filtering of the monthly and annual data by the 5-year run ning average. The rate of the sea level rise was calculated from absolute extremes in the annual and filtered data and on the linear trend: the amplitude of level increased from the lowest values occurring on the Batumi (30 cm – for the annual and 23 cm – for the filtered) and Berdyansk (39 and 27 cm, respectively) to the biggest on the Odessa (respectively 67 and 44 cm), Sulina (65 and 40 cm) and Poti (54 and 49 cm). The explanation of the differences in the trend’s maximums based on the fact that stations Odessa and Poti are situated in tectonic areas (close to geological rifts), the stations Sulina and Primorskoe are located near the Danube delta, which has an impact also. The comparing of the trends in the sea level in periods 2000–2010 years and 2000–2009 years shows the global nature of the El Niño impact phenomenon (El Niño in the Pacific was observed during the winters of 2009– 2010 years). The evaluation of periods and amplitudes in the oscillations of sea level shows that in the short-period terms there are 3–4 year waves and in long-period terms there are 10–14 year waves; the amplitudes of short and long waves are on average equal to 11–12 cm. The exceptions are the same stations, which differed in the sea level rise; the average amplitude of the wave oscillations at these stations is bigger in 1,5 times: Sulina (14,5 cm – for short and 11,8 cm – for long), Poti (16,9 and 16,2 cm, respectively) and Berdyansk station which located in the Azov Sea (13,1 and 10,8 cm, respectively); the periods are the same as at all other stations.


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