Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
BISAC NAT010000 Ecology
BISAC NAT045050 Ecosystems & Habitats / Coastal Regions & Shorelines
BISAC NAT025000 Ecosystems & Habitats / Oceans & Seas
BISAC NAT045030 Ecosystems & Habitats / Polar Regions
BISAC SCI081000 Earth Sciences / Hydrology
BISAC SCI092000 Global Warming & Climate Change
BISAC SCI020000 Life Sciences / Ecology
BISAC SCI039000 Life Sciences / Marine Biology
BISAC SOC053000 Regional Studies
BISAC TEC060000 Marine & Naval
The results of realized in 2010 field researches of the spatial and time grain-size structure variability of beach and bottom sediments of the bay-bar Anapskaya southern part are presented in this paper. Irretrievable carrying out of sediment particles to depths more than 7 m intensifies with their size decrease to 0,1 mm. As over 70 % bottom and about 60 % beach sediments are presented by fractions less 0,16 mm on bay-bar Anapskaya southern part, namely at this part there is sand material massive carrying out to depth. Potential danger of the investigated site geosystem degradation is revealed.
1. Kos'yan R.D., Krylenko V.V., Kuklev S.B. Anapskie plyazhi – hrupkoe prirodnoe obrazovanie // Priroda. 2012, № 2. S. 19–28.
2. Krylenko V.V., Kos'yan R.D., Kochergin A.D. Zakonomernosti formirovaniya granulometricheskogo sostava donnyh i plyazhevyh otlozheniy Anapskoy peresypi // Okeanologiya. 2011. T. 51. № 6. S. 1123–1134.
3. Krylenko V.V., Krylenko M.V. Retrospektivnyy analiz kartograficheskogo i illyustrativnogo materiala kak sredstvo ocenki sostoyaniya prirodnyh ob'ektov // Geosistemy: faktory razvitiya, racional'noe prirodopol'zovanie, metody upravleniya. Krasnodar : «Izd Yug», 2011. S. 294–296.