graduate student
Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Russian Federation
Omsk, Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.51 Автоматизация проектирования
BBK 302 Проектирование
TBK 5136 Системы автоматического проектирования
The review of state standards in the field of quality control of electric energy is made, devices for measurement of harmonicas are described, the new method of definition of harmonicas in electrical networks of systems of power supply is offered.
discrete transformation of Fourier, fast transformation of Fourier, the Rarefied fast transformation of Fourier, resampling, quality of electric energy
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3. GOST R 51317.4.30-2008 (MEK 61000-4-30:2008). Sovmestimost' tehnicheskih sredstv elektromagnitnaya. Metody izmereniy pokazateley kachestva elektricheskoy energii. – Vved. 2010-01-01. – M., 2008. – Ch.4-30. – 122 s.
4. GOST R 51317.4.7-2008 (MEK 61000-4-30:2008). Sovmestimost' tehnicheskih sredstv elektromagnitnaya. Obschee rukovodstvo po sredstvam izmereniy i izmereniyam garmonik i intergarmonik dlya sistem elektrosnabzheniya i podklyuchaemyh k nim tehnicheskih sredstv. – Vved. 2010-01-01. – M., 2008. – Ch.4-7. – 122 s.
5. GOST R 53333-2008. Elektricheskaya energiya. Sovmestimost' tehnicheskih sredstv elektromagnitnaya. Kontrol' kachestva elektricheskoy energii v sistemah elektrosnabzheniya obschego naznacheniya.
6. GOST R 54149-2012. Elektricheskaya energiya. Sovmestimost' tehnicheskih sredstv elektromagnitnaya. Normy kachestva elektricheskoy energii v sistemah elektrosnabzheniya obschego naznacheniya. – Vved. 2010-01-01. – M., 2010. – 36 s.
7. GOST R 32144-2013. Elektricheskaya energiya. Sovmestimost' tehnicheskih sredstv elektromagnitnaya. Normy kachestva elektricheskoy energii v sistemah elektrosnabzheniya obschego naznacheniya. – Vved. 2014-07-01. – M., 2014. – 39 s.
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11. Spiral Home page. – URL: (data obrascheniya 01.09.2018).