graduate student
Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Russian Federation
GRNTI 50.51 Автоматизация проектирования
BBK 302 Проектирование
TBK 5136 Системы автоматического проектирования
Considered directions of studying fiber-optic pressure sensors for mass flow meters, the relevance of the study of which is confirmed in world practice, are given. Mathematical aspects of fiber optic pressure sensors for mass flow meters are highlighted. A block diagram of a selective amplifier for the correction of errors in fiber-optic pressure sensors for mass flow meters of gas-liquid mixtures is considered.
mass flow meters, fiber-optic sensors, selective amplifier, correction of errors, gas-liquid mixture
1. Vishnevskiy, A. A., Yasoveev, V. Kh., Khasanov, Z. M. "Correction of Dynamic Errors of Fiber-optic Pressure Sensor based on Estimation of Nonlinearity Value of Membrane Stress-strain Behavior and Adaptive Method", 2nd International Ural Conference on Measurements (UralCon), Chelyabinsk, Russia, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/URALCON.2017.8120730
2. Vishnevskiy A. A., Khasanov Z. M., Khasanov O.Z. "Modeling of heat transfer processes of the thermally stressed state of conjugated deformable bodies in fuel-control equipment", XXVII international conference «Mathematical and computer simulation in mechanics of solids and structures – MCM 2017» Fundamentals of static and dynamic fracture. – St. Petersburg. – 2018. – P.148-152. ISSN 2588-0233
3. Vishnevskiy, A.A. Raschetnaya model' metrologicheskih harakteristik volokonno-opticheskih izmeritel'nyh ustroystv/ A.A. Vishnevskiy, V.H. Yasoveev // Izvestiya Samarskogo nauchnogo centra Rossiyskoy akademii nauk.– 2016. – № 4(7). –T. 18. – S. 1359 – 1362.
4. Vishnevskiy, A.A. Raspredelennye volokonno-opticheskie informa-cionno-izmeritel'nye sistemy davleniya i temperatury dlya primeneniya v neftegazovoy sfere/ A.A. Vishnevskiy // Prikaspiyskiy zhurnal: upravlenie i vysokie tehnologii. – 2015. – №2 (30). – S.193 – 207.
5. Svidetel'stvo o gos. registracii programmy EVM № 2018661064. Programma dlya modelirovaniya rasprostraneniya svetovogo potoka v prostranstve, 2018 g. / Vishnevskiy A.A., Yasoveev V.H., Hasanov Z.M., № 2018617706; zayavl. 23.07.2018; opubl. 31.08.2018.
6. Vishnevskiy, A.A. Intellektual'nyy podhod k uluchsheniyu metrologicheskih harakteristik volokonno-opticheskih sistem izmereniya davleniya i temperatury, prednaznachennyh dlya neftegazovoy otrasli/ A.A. Vishnevskiy, V.H. Yasoveev // Prikaspiyskiy zhurnal: upravlenie i vysokie tehnologii. – 2015. – № 3(31). – S. 158 – 167.
7. Vishnevskiy, A. A., Yasoveev, V. Kh., Khasanov, Z. M. "Correction of Dynamic Errors of Fiber-optic Pressure Sensor Based on Dynamic Reflexive Transformation Method", International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM), St. Petersburg, Russia, 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICIEAM.2017.8076120
8. Vishnevskiy A. A., Yasoveev V. Kh., Khasanov Z. M., Khasanov O.Z. "Estimation of dynamic errors in laser optoelectronic dimension gauges for geometric measurement of details", VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference “Information and Measuring Equipment and Technologies“ (IME&T 2017). – Tomsk. – 2018. – P.1-8. DOI: /201815501042
9. Patent № 180032 RF Volokonno-opticheskiy datchik davleniya 2018 g. / Vishnevskiy A.A. Yasoveev V.H., Hasanov Z.M., Hasanov O.Z., № 2017139288; Zayav.13.11.2017; Opubl.31.05.2018.